Sunday, July 28, 2013

Chagga wedding, Arusha, Tansania

On the week-end it was again a wedding. This time a typical Chagga wedding.
Nicely dressed for the wedding, Arusha, Tanzania
This is the tribe, which lives in the area around Moshi and Marangu. The colour of the day for younger people (generously, I belonged there, too), was yellow, for the older pink....So I borrowed from Rose a yellow-blue dress. For sure, I wanted to be adequate dressed as well. Just with choosing the dress, we already had a lot of fun. I did not find any suitable footwear with Rose (her feet are so much bigger than mine), but who looks closely at the feet of a Muzungu?

Having fun at the wedding, Arusha, Tanzania
It was a very nice wedding with a lot of dancing, many presents, exciting traditions (e.g., the mother of the bride gets covered with many cloths, because she loses now the daughter and must be warmed, instead, by cloths) and very good food.
A great evening!