Saturday, July 20, 2013

Betty and the Catering Service

Cooking matoke, Bettys Caterin Service, Kampala, Uganda

Always interesting was a visit at Roses neighbor. This is her sister Betty. Betty has a catering service. During the week, she is preparing food for schools and hospitals. The weekends are always very busy at Betty’s place - because of all the parties going on... Last Friday, there were 56 young men and women preparing food for 2000 people.... There were gigantic pots full of Matoke (banana), rice, beans, chicken, vegetables, chapatti, beef, salads.... All night, these people were busy peeling, cutting, getting fire wood, cooking Matoke....

Cooking for 2000 people, Kampala, Uganda

Tomato sauce for the party, Kampala, Uganda

The Matoke Mountain for 1000 people each, Kampala, Uganda

Matoke Bananas, Kampala, Uganda