Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hakuna Matata - by bus to Isiolo

Bus to Isiolo, Kenya
The bus trip to Isiolo was nearly embarrassingly unspectacular. Though the road was also bad here, it was not as bad as the day before. Moreover, there were some interesting people to see - in this dry area, there lives Ghabba, Pokot, Samburu and other ethnic groups. A third of the way is even tarred. Still, I was extremely glad to arrive in Isiolo. Well, poor Hage and the girls had to continue to Nairobi.

Bus to Isiolo, Kenya
When travelling in Africa, I am very often surprised to see, how African children stand a lot of things without any complaints. Hage's girls are 7 and 5 years old - they never complained, were never bored or pissed and never cried. To be honest, for all that would have been more than enough reasons. Basically, we were travelling for 3 days in a row under tough conditions. It was in most parts noisy, dirty and uncomfortable.  They did not have enough sleep, the food was bad and given at the wrong times.  Then looking for hours for a room for the night, just the truck and bus by itself was just not nice at all. They went through all this without any protest.  It is amazing, what the African kids can do - especially in comparison to some kids in the western world, who have no clue, what kind of things are just possible on the other side of the world!

However, I was very happy, when we finally reached Isiolo. A bed just for myself in a nice hotel, tasty chicken for dinner and, moreover, Anita - THE nice employee of the hotel, who had to laugh so badly at my dirty laundry and for sure she immediately knew, what was going on - yes, the bad road  Moyale - Marsabit - Isiolo.....  But she treated my clothes with plenty of water and lots of soap, now they look like new!

Hage and Bettyna in the truck, Kenya